You is a Netflix series, which is filled with suspense, thrill, and entertainment. Here are some reviews, plots, casts, and photos of the You series. You Plot (spoiler alert) The first season of YOU follows the narrative of Joe Goldberg, a book shop director in New York, who met Guinevere Beck, an essayist, and he becomes beguiled by her. He takes care of his poisonous fixation utilizing web-based media and other innovations to follow her quality and eliminate hindrances to their sentiment. During the Second season of YOU, Joe Goldberg moves from New York to Los Angeles to get away from quite a while ago and begins once again with another personality. At the point when he meets ardent culinary specialist Love Quinn, Joe starts falling into his old examples of fixation and viciousness. As Joe endeavors to produce another affection in the City of Angels, he endeavors to cause his relationship with Love to prevail no matter what to keep away from the destiny of his past heartfe...